Laser facial rejuvenation: indications and contraindications

Laser facial rejuvenation

Developments in cosmetology allow you to challenge merciless time. To maintain youth of the skin there are several methods. Among these laser rejuvenation of the face takes away from the last position. More and more women tend to choose sparing procedures. Laser effect completely harmless. If there are no contraindications, this method allows you to achieve impressive results.

Dignity laser skin treatment

Laser rejuvenation provides for the treatment of the surface of the skin flux of the sun. It will dissolve and penetrate deep into the tissues. Trapped under the influence of cells on fire. And the ones that stayed intact are beginning to produce the necessary substances, which are the building material for skin cover. So, speed up the update.

More than 40 years for the first time it was used was co2 laser. Welding operated with carbon dioxide, proved so effective in combating the defects of the skin, which analogues are used in beauty salons and to this day. Of course, co2 laser rejuvenation improved. The opportunity to select the desired function effects on the skin.

Efficiency laser for rejuvenation is not subject to question. The process can be considered a decent alternative to surgery. Main advantages:

  1. Short recovery period. How quickly you recover skin, depends on the depth of exposure and temperature?
  2. Possibility of parallel conduction of other cosmetic procedures.
  3. Minimum risk of side effects;
  4. The period of operation is not time-consuming. Just 30-40 minutes, and you can continue to participate in daily business?
  5. The housing is not damaged. The penetration of the beam deep tissue does not affect the integrity of the upper world?
  6. Laser skin rejuvenation does not require frequent repetitions of the process. The effect lasts for a long period of time?
  7. During exposure, the laser is not apparent from the pain?
  8. Treatment may not only face, but also the area of the neckline. The laser will not harm even the sensitive area around the eyes.

Already after the first time you will be able to enjoy the result of this process. In addition, the condition of the skin improves day by day. What's the secret? In fact all is very simple. After laser rejuvenation advances the production of collagen and elastin.

The stimulation of the natural mechanisms

The facial rejuvenation laser

The facial rejuvenation laser noteworthy is the design that has a positive effect on the regenerative resources of the agency. Improving the condition of the skin occurs due to the activation of natural processes. Thanks to this result, with the passage of time does not weaken, but, on the contrary, manifested to the fullest. The maximum performance can be observed after three-four months from the date of the last session.

The degradation of the perspective of the skin directly depends on the reduction of the synthesis of collagen and elastin. These substances are responsible for the firmness of the skin. Lost elasticity, and the elasticity of the skin quickly covered by wrinkles. And if biological changes are complemented by the negative effect of external factors, premature aging are provided.

Laser facial rejuvenation thereof helps to avoid this fate. To force the body to self-produce sufficient quantities of essential skin substances, enough 3-5 procedures.

The number of sessions depends on the initial condition of the skin. Interim period between visits to the beautician from 3 weeks up to months.

The frequency of support influences laser beam about a year and a half.

Availability of laser rejuvenation

The financial part of the matter can't he doesn't care for women who have chosen laser facial rejuvenation, the price at which, as is well known, is quite high. The cost of the procedure depends on the treatment area and the degree of neglect of the problem. Also, the percentages by each clinic. The price affects used equipment. Sometimes referred to the cost per 1 cm2, sometimes a specific region, and in some cases consider that the number of flashes. Therefore, the exact amount you can learn, personally, after the meeting with the staff of the clinic.

Types of laser treatment

laser treatment before and after

The depth of exposure to the laser may be different. To determine the type of laser trump card to use in each specific case can only be a specialist. The principle of operation of the hearing of the different companies have some differences.

Fractional type of laser rejuvenation

Directed to a particular section of a beam is the smoothing of the skin. The temperature is too high. Thus, the travel speed of laser plays a big role. Distracted, a beautician can make a burn.

Sometimes treated only the problem areas. This method is ideal for point of the report. Used devices of different manufacturers.

Organic rejuvenation facial laser

Used short pulses of laser. The technology involves applying to the skin a special substance, which will have to infiltrate deep into the process of heating of the laser surface.

Under the effect of temperature resources are revealed. Active ingredients penetrate into the layers of the skin and fulfill its mission. Also, the process of these, it helps to remove keratinized layers. The epidermis is renewed.

The appearance changes significantly.

Laser resurfacing

The most secure method. The substance is gentle and at the same time deep penetration of laser in layers of the skin. Tissues are heated, the burning of the old cell.

Dead layer is removed, the regeneration process is accelerated. To achieve the effect, it is permissible to do something like that laser rejuvenation at home. As long as we have the desired device and to know the theory of the process.

Non-ablative laser radiation

Large beams are directed to the face. Treatment is subject to the entire surface. The intense exposure may cause complications. Therefore, the method is used for the elimination of defects, which is particularly disfiguring his appearance. To combat age-related changes it is better to choose a less traumatic way. The most popular device – smooth. Other options – smart and cutera.

What to choose?

which trump card you choose

Hard to say which of the types of impact laser better. Every one of the effective techniques from the point of view of solving certain tasks. Therefore, the choice depends on the desired result.

For example, laser rejuvenation palomar perfectly smoothes the wrinkles. As well as smoothes the texture of the skin, relieves acne, improves color of the face. But this method is not suitable for the correction of deep folds.

If selected, Fraxel, we should expect a similar result. By the way, when a woman tries to get rid of the "crow's feet" Fraxel is the most appropriate method. Priority to be given so much in soft worth due to a hypersensitive area around the eyes. Intense flux of laser beams in this position unacceptable.

Good effect on the condition of the skin with laser resurfacing. With the use of this method can rejuvenate the skin, to say good-bye with the first wrinkles, heals acne rash. Especially this kind of laser impact so simple that can be done by yourself.

More severe process is smooth trump. A similar effect is recommended in such cases:

  • deep wrinkles?
  • chemical burns?
  • the rest after damage marks?
  • persistent acne.

Apart from those mentioned kinds of, cosmetic salon can offer hemangiomas. Sessions of the exposure light flux can help to restore the skin elasticity to make elastic and smooth.

Indications and contraindications

Laser rejuvenation is recommended in such cases:

  • mimic and dynamic wrinkles?
  • signs of age-related changes in the face?
  • gray or yellowish color of the skin?
  • dark spots?
  • enlarged pores?
  • the trail after the rash?
  • bags under the eyes?
  • the stretch marks on the skin?
  • saggy skin along the contour of the face.

In spite of the safety laser effect, the method, however, has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammation in these parts, that need to be edited?
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • the virus herpes?
  • oncology training?
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • low immune?
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system?
  • of blood clotting problems;
  • the hypertension?
  • scars on the skin?
  • we recently had a chemical peeling;
  • clean sunburn.

If you don't take into account the constraints, the process not only will be ineffective. Can cause serious complications. Therefore, on the health problems you must inform the beautician during the consultation.

Maybe, the expert will choose another method of rejuvenation, which will not be your personal is contraindicated. In the case of temporary reasons, driving abandoned sessions, you will have to show patience.

Set aside a visit to the clinic until the most favorable circumstances.

If we should be afraid of side effects?

Laser skin rejuvenation before after

Any effect on the skin can lead to unpleasant consequences. Laser rejuvenation is not an exception. Sometimes after surgery, it is possible:

  • exfoliation of the skin;
  • burn?
  • easy itch?
  • is it painful?
  • edema?
  • redness?
  • dark spots?
  • crust to the surface?
  • scars?
  • herpes.

Such events, as scars, scars, pigmentation – rare. Also, the activation of the herpes virus happens in a few cases. The other negative effects of fast passes. Red spots will soon go, peeling will stop the itching will stop bothering. After suffering several days, you can enjoy the received power months.

Similar side effects it can cause and hemangiomas. The essence of the processes has a lot in common. Sometimes women can't determine the choice. Why Fraxel and photorejuvenation are similar not only unpleasant consequences, but they promise almost the same result.

Laser or light beams – what to choose?

Factional effects, such as hemangiomas is carried out with the help of a special machine. Many women are wondering what is better from these two methods? Both in the first and in the second case, the effects on the skin becomes luminous energy. But the criteria for comparison there are still:

  1. Laser effect has the strongest effect on regenerative procedures, rather than the flux of the beam of light.
  2. For the achievement of performance takes several sessions more, if the customer preferred hemangiomas.
  3. After the laser treatment, the effect lasts longer.
  4. Laser effects have been injured a skin cover to a greater extent.
  5. When used Fraxel, recovery period takes longer.

To select the method trump card is worth individually. Therefore, we cannot say with certainty that the laser is a better choice, and hemangiomas are not as effective. Visible the result will be after each of the procedures.

Exactly how to deal with the problem, which is addressed to the client at the clinic, you will need to solve beauticians. Sometimes it's enough to stop at one of the methods, and sometimes an integrated approach is needed.

In any case, if you set the goal of facial rejuvenation in modern cosmetology that there are appropriate methods. Laser technology is not standing still. It is improving day by day.

Who knows, maybe in the near future discussions will not have contraindications? And then, visit the clinic of aesthetic medicine will be standard case for all women over the age of 25.

Because everything you say, and beauty for the fairer sex was always and will be in the first place.